Since we care about you ending your suffering or discomfort soon, we recommend a non-committal conversation to start, in which we can look exactly at what is needed, so you can reach your goal fast, and in a sustainable way.
After one session, You come up with something that limits your life – you go with a new found clarity, energy and zest for action – because you’ve finally debunked the original/real problem.
After weeks, in this protected intimate space we’ll work closely and focus on releasing your deep rooted conflicts and as a result your inhibitions disappear. Then you can use all of your energy consciously for what is really meant for.
- Increased life energy
- Greater concentration levels
- Increased happiness
- Reduced neck, and back tension or other physical symptoms
- And all your negative thoughts disappear
After months, we will debunk, decrypt, and dismiss all of your deep rooted conflicts that are preventing you from living your life. You will gain the clarity to find out your personal mission in life and how to step forward to it.
- Happiness and enjoyment rules your life
- Primary personality is back
- Self-confidence and authenticity enhances
- Fears are gone
- World of relationships are open and meaningful
- Sexuality gains the drive it deserves
- Success is the logical consequence
1. Package:
- 60-minute session, one week later a 30 minutes Skype-Session
Prize: 200 €
2. Package:
- About a three hour private Meeting, two weeks later a 45-minute Skype-Session
Prize: 490 €
3. Package:
- A weekend-booster, two and a half days, around 20 hours, three weeks later a 60-minute Skype-Session
Prize: 1.900 €
* Online-Coaching-Sessions available
1 PACKAGE: Corporate Health Management:
- 2-4 members – only for Teamleader & Manager level or Co-/Founder
- 2 days, first day 4 hours – group coaching, second day 8 hours – single coaching + One hour skype meeting after 4 weeks
Price: per hour 150€ + per member
2 PACKAGE: Team Development
- 2-6 member, all employees
- 2 days, first day 4 hours – group coaching, second day 6 hours – single coaching + 30 min skype meeting after 4 weeks
Price: per hour 100€ + per member
3 PACKAGE: Entrepreneur Coaching
- one by one, all levels, please have a look at the timetable & Prices upstairs for individuals click here
*Online coaching sessions available
*Location, food and transfer is not included
Are you interested in a cooperation?
Talk to me. In a first conversation we clarify your topics and your needs. On request, workshops for your team can be tailored to special aspects.